Thursday, August 6, 2009

Adventure Club: Bugs 9/2/2009

Wednesday, September 2nd 10:00
I AM I Learning Center at Weaver's Bottom- This is located on Robin's property in Kingsland. For directions just click on the link to Weaver's Bottom.
Activities: We will be learning all about insect identification in this class by learning the body parts, looking at specimens, creating our own suction powered bug vacuums, going on a bug hunt and trying some insect cookies!
Bring: Any bugs you would like to share with us (dead or alive), interesting bug books, bug catchers or nets, etc. We will be outside for much of this meeting so bring along water bottles, sunscreen and wear your LAHAC shirts if you have them. Bring $2 per participating child to cover the cost of meeting supplies.
RSVP: Please RSVP or send questions to Robin & Jennifer at by August 19th. Include your name, contact information and the names and ages of the children who will be attending.

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