Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Bug Meeting Summary

We had a great Adventure Club meeting today all about bugs. It was our first "official" Adventure Club class in Robin's new classroom at IAMI Learning Center. There were a total of 10 families attending and 27 kids- a great turnout for the first meeting and a wonderful group of kids from infant up to teenager. Robin will be compiling all the information that we covered (and some that we didn't) into a binder that will be kept in her classroom for public use. If you, or others, are ever researching bugs with your kids and would like to borrow that resource you will be able to check it out there. Here's a short summary of what we did at today's meeting:

  • Greeting With Robin- Robin talked a bit about her property and the learning center, explaining her vision for her family and the community. (Robin--you should definitely post here and on your blog about that sometime!)
  • Bug Anatomy With Robin- Robin handed out information packets and talked the kids through the common body parts of a bug.
  • Wings With Jennifer- Jennifer explained how bug wings work and gave the kids a model to test out and take home.
  • Mouthparts With Jennifer- Jennifer used a demonstration (fun!) to show the kids five different types of insect mouthparts.
  • A Little Free Time Outside
  • Bug Hunts and Observation- The kids were split into two groups (older and younger). Robin took a group on a bug hunt around her property using nets she made and jars. The kids found and captured quite a few bugs. Inside the classroom Jennifer helped the kids observe all the dead bugs we have collected over the summer, look at some microscope slides and have a snack of cricket cookies.

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